in the dream i was waiting to die. i was actually tricked into the situation as well. and once i realized i was extremely sad and worried. heres what this is supposed to mean... in the order of it happening.
An effort to mislead, fool, or manipulate someone can represent:
- A feeling or fear of these things somewhere in your real life
- Trust issues (trusting to much or not enough somewhere in your life)
- A general feeling of caution or mistrust regarding the world or a particular aspect of it
Often represents the idea of waiting in real life—or imagining that you are waiting, or fearing that you might have to wait for something. The meaning depends on the context and what you're waiting for.
A dream that you or someone else is dying can represent:
- A feeling of low "life energy" or a weariness in your life, perhaps due to an emotionally or mentally sapping situation, a physical condition that makes you tired, etc.
- Coming to the end of a phase, such as of childhood
- The idea of "dying" mentally, emotionally, or spiritual, such as due to lack of nurturing, inspiration, or fulfillment
Feelings in dreams often represent themselves, although the subconscious mind may be exaggerating them in the dream. For instance, if you are feeling angry or happy during a dream, you are likely truly angry or happy about what's happening in the dream—and also about what it represents in real life.
or you could be having a toxic dream.
ToxicA Toxic Dream is usually a very realistic, upsetting dream that is most likely to occur when your body's cleansing system is overloaded during sleep. They are usually terrible nightmares and their purpose is often simply as a signal that you went to bed in a physically toxic state. These dreams can result from a number of factors the day before, including:
- Eating refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour), processed or junk food, additives or preservatives.
- Eating any foods within 2 hours before going to bed.
- Ingesting drugs or other substances that stress the body.
- Encountering environmental toxins (mold, exhaust fumes, etc.).
- Being stressed (stress hormone by-products load the body's cleansing system just like external toxins do).
- Being emotionally toxic, such as going to bed angry or hateful (holding on to emotional upset creates a stressful physical state).
- Not getting enough rest (sleep-deprivation robs the body of its critical nighttime cleansing cycle, leaving more toxins in the body).
i think it just means i need o relax and take care of my health physically and mentally. it all kind of makes sense. i just wonder why my brother and mom are the ones that did this to me, why my mom disappeared afterward and why my brother looked like a man child. so weird.
love ~ me.
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